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Random Puzzles 


Puzzle 1 

My 12, 8, and 9 is a sheep.
My 3, 5, and 6 is not high.
My 1, 8, and 9 is a starchy vegetable.
My 7, 8, 4, and 5 is a glow around the head.
My 12, 11, 2, and 3 is used in fishing.
My 7, 2, and 10 can be found at the bottom of a skirt.
My whole is a type of bird, what am I?

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

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Puzzle 2 

Two explorers went wandering one day, one mile south, then one mile east, then one mile north, and they were back where they started.

What colour was the bear that was eating their sandwiches?

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Puzzle 3 

DJ Music Festival - Logic Puzzles

During a recent music festival, four DJs entered the mixing contest.

Each wore a number, either 1, 2, 3 or 4 and their decks were different colours.

DJ Skinf Lint came first, and only one DJ wore the same number as the position he finished in.
DJ Slam Dunk wore number 1.
The DJ who wore number 2 had a red deck and DJ Jam Jar didn't have a yellow deck.
The DJ who came last had a blue deck.
DJ Park'n Ride beat DJ Slam Dunk.
The DJ who wore number 1 had a green deck and the DJ who came second wore number 3.
Can you determine who came where, which number they wore and the colour of their deck?

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

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Puzzle 4 

I recently asked my friend Alex to buy me some ribbon for my child's bonnet.

Alex went to the haberdashery shop for the required length, but accidentally swapped the feet and inches.

When I measured the resulting ribbon, I only had 5÷8 of the length I required.

How much ribbon did I originally ask for?

Remember that there are 12 inches in a foot.

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

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