My name is Kevin Stone, I live in the UK, and I have had a love of puzzles for many years. BrainBashers has been around for over 25 years, starting as Puzzles 4U in 1997, and becoming BrainBashers in 1998.
I'm away from my computer until March 24th, and I'm unlikely to check my emails before then.
Note: I do not send unsolicited emails. If you receive an email that appears to be from me, do not click any links or open any attachments. Instead, contact me directly using the email address above.
This email address occasionally changes, and the old one then stops working, so please only use the one that appears here.
Sending me an email gives me permission to receive and store your email, and for me to contact you to reply to your email. The content of your email will only be used by me, and only in relation to your email. I will never sell / transfer / give away / etc any information to third parties – however I will disclose any required information available if legally obligated.
Problem With BrainBashers?
If you are having a problem with BrainBashers, I'd be grateful if you could:
- wait a few minutes and then try again,
- force your browser to reload the page (e.g. CTRL + F5 on Windows),
- load the page in a private / incognito window,
- temporarily disable any browser extensions,
- close all of your programs / apps and restart your computer / device / etc.
If this doesn't solve the problem, then it will really help me if you:
- let me know the page / puzzle that you are having a problem with,
- describe the problem in detail, including what steps I can take to recreate the problem,
- send me a screenshot clearly showing the problem,
- let me know the browser and computer / device / etc you are using,
- let me know when you first spotted the problem, and when you remember it last working.
Note: BrainBashers has a Dark Mode option – I recommend not using your browser's dark mode or extensions for BrainBashers