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Japanese-type Puzzles

Japanese-type Puzzles
See all of the Japanese-type puzzles, such as Sudoku, Skyscrapers, Nonogrids, etc (lower down this page).

Brain Teasers

Daily Puzzle
Can you solve today's brain teaser?
View All Puzzles
View all of the 800+ brain teasers, riddles, and other classic puzzles.

Other Puzzles 

Daily BB Words
Can you find today's words?
Daily 30 Seconds
Can you solve mathematical questions in 30 seconds?
Daily Maze Of Rooms
Can you help the mouse find the cheese?

Brain Teasers (ctd) 

Random Puzzles
View all of the puzzles in a random order.

Note: take a look at the information about the difficulty levels.

Easy Puzzles
Only see the easier puzzles.
Medium Puzzles
Only see the puzzles that require a little more thinking.
Hard Puzzles
Only see the puzzles that are harder, and may need more time to work out.
  • Monthly Word Search
    Can you find every occurrence of the word MARCH?

  • Logic Puzzles
    Logic puzzles, who did what, when, and why.

  • Mathematical Puzzles
    Puzzles that are based on mathematics or algebra.

  • Paradoxes
    Puzzles that seem to contradict reality and send your head crazy whilst you try to figure out what's going on.

  • Gotchas
    Gotcha type puzzles, where there's some trick to getting the right answer.

  • Visualisation Puzzles
    Puzzles that require you to rotate 3D objects in your head.

Individual Puzzles 

Japanese-type Puzzles

Random puzzle – try to solve one of today's Japanese-type puzzles.
Daily 3-In-A-Row
Can you complete the grid without creating a 3-In-A-Row?
Daily ABC View
Can you find the A, B, and C in every row and column?
Daily Battleships
Can you find all of the hidden ships?
Daily Bridges
Can you connect all of the islands using bridges?
Daily CalcuDoku
Can you complete the grid and satisfy the mathematical clues?
Daily Fillomino
Can you find all of the groups?
Daily Futoshiki
Can you complete the grid and satisfy the greater than / less than symbols?
Daily Hitori
Can you eliminate numbers until there are no duplicates?
Daily Killer Sudoku
Can you complete the grid and satisfy the mathematical clues?
Daily Light Up
Can you place bulbs on the grid and light every square?
Daily MathemaGrids
Can you make the sums correct?
Daily Neighbours
Can you complete the grid and satisfy the neighbours symbols?
Daily Net Slide
Can you slide the squares and reconnect the network?
Daily Network
Can you rotate the squares and reconnect the network?
Daily Nonogrids
Can you find all of the blocks?
Daily Range
Can you limit the visible range from every numbered cell?
Daily Skyscrapers
Can you find all of the skyscrapers?
Daily Slants
Can you replace all of the crosses with slanted lines?
Daily Slitherlink
Can you join the dots to form a single loop?
Daily Sudoku
Can you solve a classic Sudoku puzzle?
Daily Tents
Can you find all of the tents in the forest?
Daily Tracks
Can you find the route of the track?

Note: BrainBashers has a Dark Mode option – I recommend not using your browser's dark mode or extensions for BrainBashers