Random Illusion
View a random illusion.
View a random illusion.
A stereogram is a 3D picture within a picture.
A stereogram is a 3D picture within a picture.
Most Recent
Illusion Of Length
Same length lines?
Same length lines?
Eiffel Tower Afterglow
Can you make the Eiffel Tower glow?
Can you make the Eiffel Tower glow?
Colourful Landscape?
Is this a colourful landscape?
Is this a colourful landscape?
The Fickle Barrel
Is the barrel lying to the left, or right?
Is the barrel lying to the left, or right?
Top Hat Illusion
Is the top hat taller, or wider?
Is the top hat taller, or wider?
Hidden 8
Can you find the hidden 8?
Can you find the hidden 8?
In The Middle?
Is the line in the middle of the gap?
Is the line in the middle of the gap?
Same Distance?
Same distance between the dots?
Same distance between the dots?
Eye Direction
In which direction are the eyes looking?
In which direction are the eyes looking?
My Favourites
Shadow Illusion
Are squares A and B the same colour?
Are squares A and B the same colour?
Duck Or Rabbit?
Is this a duck or a rabbit?
Is this a duck or a rabbit?
What Am I?
Can you tell what this is a picture of?
Can you tell what this is a picture of?
Spinning Dancer
Which way is the dancer spinning?
Which way is the dancer spinning?
Hidden Faces
Can you find his three daughters as well?
Can you find his three daughters as well?
Who Turned To?
Who is missing?
Who is missing?
Impossible Waterfall?
Is the water flowing uphill?
Is the water flowing uphill?
Blind Spot
A demonstration of your visual blind spot.
A demonstration of your visual blind spot.
Same Colour Eyes?
Are the eyes the same colour?
Are the eyes the same colour?
Colourful Butterfly?
Is this a colourful butterfly?
Is this a colourful butterfly?
Impossible Prongs?
Impossible prongs?
Impossible prongs?
Parallel Cafe Wall Lines?
Are the horizontal lines parallel?
Are the horizontal lines parallel?
Colourful Bird?
Is this a colourful bird?
Is this a colourful bird?
Virtual Object
Three Lines Make A...?
Three lines make a...?
Three lines make a...?
Impossible Triangle?
The impossible Penrose triangle?
The impossible Penrose triangle?
A Lovely Vase?
Isn't this a lovely vase?
Isn't this a lovely vase?
A-B-C : 12-13-14?
Read the line across and then down.
Read the line across and then down.
Is The Square Really There?
Is the square really there?
Is the square really there?
Impossible Staircase?
Impossible staircase of squares?
Impossible staircase of squares?
What Can You See?
What can you see?
What can you see?
How Many Shelves?
How many shelves can you count?
How many shelves can you count?
Impossible E?
Impossible E?
Impossible E?
Impossible Shelf?
Impossible shelf?
Impossible shelf?
Impossible Prongs?
Impossible prongs?
Impossible prongs?
Impossible Shelf?
Impossible shelf?
Impossible shelf?
Duck Or Rabbit?
Is this a duck or a rabbit?
Is this a duck or a rabbit?
What Can You See?
What can you see?
What can you see?
Impossible Walls?
Impossible walls?
Impossible walls?
Impossible Waterfall?
Is the water flowing uphill?
Is the water flowing uphill?
Woman Or Skull
Life, death, and the meaning of life.
Life, death, and the meaning of life.
Virtual Sphere
Can you see the virtual Gestalt sphere?
Can you see the virtual Gestalt sphere?
Same Level Balls?
Are the two balls really at the same level?
Are the two balls really at the same level?
Magpie On Gallows
The Magpie on the Gallows.
The Magpie on the Gallows.
Old Or Young Lady?
Old lady or young lady?
Old lady or young lady?
Skull Or Children
Can you see the skull, and the children?
Can you see the skull, and the children?
Tray Illusion
Can you remove one of the glasses from the tray.
Can you remove one of the glasses from the tray.
The Borromean Rings
The Borromean rings.
The Borromean rings.
Old Man / Young Lady
Can you see the old man, and the young lady?
Can you see the old man, and the young lady?
False Steps
Could these steps be carved?
Could these steps be carved?
Old Or Young Lady?
Can you see the old, and young lady?
Can you see the old, and young lady?
Thatcher Effect
Is there anything wrong with the image?
Is there anything wrong with the image?
Emotional Face
What kind of emotion does this face have?
What kind of emotion does this face have?
In Or Out?
Do the panels go in or out?
Do the panels go in or out?
Impossible Staircase?
Try to follow the stairs around.
Try to follow the stairs around.
Glass Half Full?
When is the glass half full?
When is the glass half full?
Cube Pop?
Watch the cubes will pop in and out.
Watch the cubes will pop in and out.
Following Eyes
Do the eyes follow you around the room?
Do the eyes follow you around the room?
Can you see a word?
Can you see a word?
Hidden Faces
Can you find his three daughters as well?
Can you find his three daughters as well?
How Many Cubes?
How many cubes can you count?
How many cubes can you count?
False Perspective
The importance of knowing perspective!
The importance of knowing perspective!
What Am I?
Can you tell what this is a picture of?
Can you tell what this is a picture of?
Top Or Bottom?
Top or the bottom of the glass?
Top or the bottom of the glass?
Upside Down Staircase?
Can you walk up this set of stairs?
Can you walk up this set of stairs?
Facial Landscape
Can you see the face in this landscape?
Can you see the face in this landscape?
False Perspective
Can you count how many bars are in the image?
Can you count how many bars are in the image?
Duck Or Rabbit?
Is this a duck or a rabbit?
Is this a duck or a rabbit?
Impossible Bricks?
Could you stack this collection of bricks?
Could you stack this collection of bricks?
In Or Out Cubes?
Do the cubes go in...or out?
Do the cubes go in...or out?
Cube Shadows
Do the cubes increase in height?
Do the cubes increase in height?
Impossible Ring?
Could this ring be made?
Could this ring be made?
Impossible Structure?
Could this structure be made?
Could this structure be made?
An Apple Core?
Is this just an apple core?
Is this just an apple core?
Impossible Object?
Could this be created?
Could this be created?
How Many Faces?
How many faces can you find?
How many faces can you find?
Is there really a cube here?
Is there really a cube here?
Impossible Rectangle?
Is this an impossible rectangle?
Is this an impossible rectangle?
Optical Illusion?
Is this an optical illusion?
Is this an optical illusion?
Colourful Cubes
Do the cubes pop in or out?
Do the cubes pop in or out?
3D Cubes
Are there six cubes popping out?
Are there six cubes popping out?
Raised Buttons
How many raised buttons when rotated?
How many raised buttons when rotated?
Does the semicircle really exist?
Does the semicircle really exist?
Impossible Boxes?
Could this structure be made?
Could this structure be made?
Impossible Shape
Can this shape be made?
Can this shape be made?
Hidden 8
Can you find the hidden 8?
Can you find the hidden 8?
The Fickle Barrel
Is the barrel lying to the left, or right?
Is the barrel lying to the left, or right?
Shape Distortion
Is This A Square?
Is this really a square?
Is this really a square?
Is This A Square?
Is this really a square?
Is this really a square?
Are These Lines Parallel?
Are the horizontal lines parallel?
Are the horizontal lines parallel?
Parallel Cafe Wall Lines?
Are the horizontal lines parallel?
Are the horizontal lines parallel?
Are These True Squares?
Are these true squares?
Are these true squares?
Are These Lines Straight?
Are these lines straight?
Are these lines straight?
Or These?
Are these lines straight?
Are these lines straight?
Another Set Of Squares?
Are these 3 true squares?
Are these 3 true squares?
More Straight Lines?
Are the lines straight?
Are the lines straight?
Distorted Square?
Are the lines in the square parallel?
Are the lines in the square parallel?
Outer Bulge
Are the lines horizontal and vertical?
Are the lines horizontal and vertical?
Inner Bulge
Are the lines horizontal and vertical?
Are the lines horizontal and vertical?
Another Distorted Square
Another distorted square.
Another distorted square.
Square Distortion
Are the lines horizontal and vertical?
Are the lines horizontal and vertical?
Middle Of The Circle?
Which dot is in the middle of the circle?
Which dot is in the middle of the circle?
Triangular Middle?
Is the dot half way down the triangle?
Is the dot half way down the triangle?
Impossible Design?
Impossible design?
Impossible design?
Interesting Escalator
A very interesting escalator.
A very interesting escalator.
Parallel Lines?
Are the two lines parallel?
Are the two lines parallel?
Bulging Square?
Is there a bulge in this square?
Is there a bulge in this square?
Where Is The Middle?
Which finger is pointing at the middle?
Which finger is pointing at the middle?
Wiggly Chequerboard
Is the chequerboard straight?
Is the chequerboard straight?
Twisted Chequerboard
Is the chequerboard straight?
Is the chequerboard straight?
Diamond Illusion
Are the diamonds straight?
Are the diamonds straight?
Straight Lines?
Is the chequerboard straight?
Is the chequerboard straight?
Straight Lines?
Are the lines straight?
Are the lines straight?
Straight Rope?
Is the rope a single straight line?
Is the rope a single straight line?
Moving Circle?
Does the circle appear to move?
Does the circle appear to move?
Centre Bulge?
Can you see a bulge at the centre?
Can you see a bulge at the centre?
Vertical Lines?
Are the lines vertical / horizontal?
Are the lines vertical / horizontal?
Centre Bulge?
Does the centre bulge out?
Does the centre bulge out?
Straight Lines?
Are the lines straight?
Are the lines straight?
Straight Squares?
Are the squares straight?
Are the squares straight?
Parallel Diagonals?
Are the diagonal lines parallel?
Are the diagonal lines parallel?
Tilting Circle?
Are the circle's lines vertical?
Are the circle's lines vertical?
Vertical Pattern
Is the pattern truly vertical?
Is the pattern truly vertical?
Right Angles?
Are any of the four intersections at right angles?
Are any of the four intersections at right angles?
Bourdon Illusion
Does the straight line bend?
Does the straight line bend?
Do the circles lie on a curve?
Do the circles lie on a curve?
Lined Up Lines?
Are the lines lined up?
Are the lines lined up?
Orbison Illusion
Is this a true square?
Is this a true square?
Size Distortion
Same Size Circles?
Are the middle circles both the same size?
Are the middle circles both the same size?
Same Length Lines?
Are these vertical lines the same length?
Are these vertical lines the same length?
Same Length Lines?
Are the vertical lines the same length?
Are the vertical lines the same length?
Which Is The Biggest Circle?
Which line comes from the biggest circle?
Which line comes from the biggest circle?
Same Size Sections?
Same sized sections?
Same sized sections?
Same Size White Bars?
Same size white bars?
Same size white bars?
Which Line Is Longer?
Which line is longer?
Which line is longer?
Which Is Wider?
Arrow tip to arrow tip, which gap is wider?
Arrow tip to arrow tip, which gap is wider?
A-B Or B-C, Which Is Longer?
A-B or B-C, which is longer?
A-B or B-C, which is longer?
Same Length?
Which horizontal line is longer?
Which horizontal line is longer?
Lamp And Base
Is the lamp the same width as the base?
Is the lamp the same width as the base?
Angled Circles
Which circle is the largest?
Which circle is the largest?
Y The Same?
Are the V's of the Y's horizontally aligned?
Are the V's of the Y's horizontally aligned?
Same Length Red Lines?
Are the red lines the same length?
Are the red lines the same length?
Same Length?
Are the parallel lines the same length?
Are the parallel lines the same length?
Which Line?
Which is part of the same line?
Which is part of the same line?
Size Distortion
Are the three cars the same size?
Are the three cars the same size?
Same Length Lines?
Are the two lines the same length?
Are the two lines the same length?
Same Squares?
Are the small squares the same size?
Are the small squares the same size?
Taller Or Wider?
Is this image taller or wider?
Is this image taller or wider?
Confused Spiral?
Is this a spiral?
Is this a spiral?
Ponzo Illusion
Which train is larger?
Which train is larger?
Same Size?
Are they the same size?
Are they the same size?
Same Size?
Do these shapes get larger or smaller?
Do these shapes get larger or smaller?
Same Distances?
Are the circles the same distance apart?
Are the circles the same distance apart?
Delboeuf Illusion
Are the inner circles the same size?
Are the inner circles the same size?
Same Distance
Are the pairs of dots the same distance apart?
Are the pairs of dots the same distance apart?
Fraser Spiral
Is this a real spiral?
Is this a real spiral?
Size Distortion
Are the cars the same size?
Are the cars the same size?
Two Squares?
Are these squares the same size?
Are these squares the same size?
Same Distance?
Same distance between the dots?
Same distance between the dots?
In The Middle?
Is the line in the middle of the gap?
Is the line in the middle of the gap?
Top Hat Illusion
Is the top hat taller, or wider?
Is the top hat taller, or wider?
Illusion Of Length
Same length lines?
Same length lines?
Visual Distortion
How Many Black Circles?
How many black circles can you see?
How many black circles can you see?
A Bird In The Hand?
Read this out aloud – are there any mistakes?
Read this out aloud – are there any mistakes?
Are There Any Grey Dots?
Are there any grey dots?
Are there any grey dots?
Book Illusion?
Is the book pointing towards you or away?
Is the book pointing towards you or away?
In Or Out?
Is the dot inside or outside?
Is the dot inside or outside?
Light Bulb Afterglow
Can you make the light bulb glow?
Can you make the light bulb glow?
Afterglow With Colour?
An afterglow of colour.
An afterglow of colour.
Flag Afterglow
Does this Canadian flag have the wrong colours?
Does this Canadian flag have the wrong colours?
Grey Diagonal?
Can you see diagonal grey lines?
Can you see diagonal grey lines?
Moving Image?
Move your head, or scroll the page.
Move your head, or scroll the page.
Moving Square?
Move your head, or scroll the page.
Move your head, or scroll the page.
More Than 2 Colours?
How many colours – only 2?
How many colours – only 2?
Shadow Illusion
Are squares A and B the same colour?
Are squares A and B the same colour?
Same Colour Orange?
Same colour orange?
Same colour orange?
Identical Squares?
These are two identical squares side by side.
These are two identical squares side by side.
Same Colour Grey?
Same colour diamonds?
Same colour diamonds?
More Grey?
Same colour middles?
Same colour middles?
Rotating Eyes
Can you see the eyes rotating?
Can you see the eyes rotating?
Slow Gears
Do the gears rotate slowly?
Do the gears rotate slowly?
Level Balance?
Is this a level balance?
Is this a level balance?
Wobbly Skyscrapers?
Wobbly skyscrapers?
Wobbly skyscrapers?
Rotating Circles?
Move your head closer and further away.
Move your head closer and further away.
Colour Distorted Square
Colour distorted square.
Colour distorted square.
Same Colour Middles?
Same colour middles?
Same colour middles?
Continuous Colour?
Is the central bar a continuous colour?
Is the central bar a continuous colour?
Same Colour Green Ends?
Are the greens at the sides really different?
Are the greens at the sides really different?
Same Colour Dogs?
Are the dogs the same colour?
Are the dogs the same colour?
Disappearing Fluff
The colours eventually disappear.
The colours eventually disappear.
Disappearing Circle
Watch the blue circle disappear!
Watch the blue circle disappear!
Garbled Text?
Can you read the text?
Can you read the text?
Colour Deception
Are the ends the same colour?
Are the ends the same colour?
Healing Grid?
See the grid begin to heal.
See the grid begin to heal.
Funny Cow
This cow has all the wrong colours.
This cow has all the wrong colours.
Spinning Dancer
Which way is the dancer spinning?
Which way is the dancer spinning?
Cat Food
The cat is dreaming about its lunch.
The cat is dreaming about its lunch.
Colourful Balloons?
Is this a colourful balloon?
Is this a colourful balloon?
Same Sized Spheres?
Are the two spheres the same size?
Are the two spheres the same size?
Blind Spot
A demonstration of your visual blind spot.
A demonstration of your visual blind spot.
Contrast Circles
Are the middles the same?
Are the middles the same?
Colourful Butterfly?
Is this a colourful butterfly?
Is this a colourful butterfly?
Orange Heart
Can you see an orange heart?
Can you see an orange heart?
Mona Lisa
An afterimage painting of the Mona Lisa.
An afterimage painting of the Mona Lisa.
Same Greys?
Are all of the greys the same colour?
Are all of the greys the same colour?
Benary Cross
Are the two grey triangles the same colour?
Are the two grey triangles the same colour?
Tilt Illusion
A tilting illusion.
A tilting illusion.
Chequered Illusion
Light grey and dark grey?
Light grey and dark grey?
Black Hole
See the black hole expand.
See the black hole expand.
Broken Dish
Does the plate repair itself?
Does the plate repair itself?
Same Arrows?
Are the reds the same colour red?
Are the reds the same colour red?
Same Colour Eyes?
Are the eyes the same colour?
Are the eyes the same colour?
Disappearing Hearts
Watch the hearts begin to disappear!
Watch the hearts begin to disappear!
One, Two, Three?
Close-up and far away, the words change!
Close-up and far away, the words change!
Growing A?
Can you make the letters grow?
Can you make the letters grow?
Is the image animated?
Is the image animated?
Does the image rotate as you hide it?
Does the image rotate as you hide it?
Lilac Chaser
Watch the patches disappear.
Watch the patches disappear.
Darker Square?
Which square is darker, A or B?
Which square is darker, A or B?
Same Pinks?
Are the pink squares the same shade of pink?
Are the pink squares the same shade of pink?
Same Colours?
Are the pink cards the same colour?
Are the pink cards the same colour?
Scintillating Grid
Can you see all of the white dots?
Can you see all of the white dots?
Moving Image?
Does the image move?
Does the image move?
Hermann Grid
Can you see the blobs at the intersections?
Can you see the blobs at the intersections?
Twelve Dots
Can you see all 12 dots?
Can you see all 12 dots?
Shrinking Square?
Does the square change size?
Does the square change size?
Wavy Grid
Look around the wavy grid!
Look around the wavy grid!
Rotating Circles
Do the circles rotate when you move closer?
Do the circles rotate when you move closer?
Moving Circles
What happens when you move closer?
What happens when you move closer?
Moving Pentagons?
Do the pentagons move?
Do the pentagons move?
Troxler Effect
Do the colours disappear?
Do the colours disappear?
Same Colour Squares?
Are the two squares the same colour?
Are the two squares the same colour?
Hermann Grid
Can you see the blobs at the intersections?
Can you see the blobs at the intersections?
Inner Glow
Does the inner glow disappear?
Does the inner glow disappear?
Cookie Colour?
What colour is the cookie?
What colour is the cookie?
Does this read southeast or northwest?
Does this read southeast or northwest?
Pattern Distortion
Does the pattern distort?
Does the pattern distort?
Illusion Vortex
Does the centre rotate?
Does the centre rotate?
Bezold Effect
How many shades of red are there?
How many shades of red are there?
Same Greys?
Are the inner grey squares all the same colour?
Are the inner grey squares all the same colour?
Colour Contrast
Are the orange stars all the same colour?
Are the orange stars all the same colour?
What Colour Letters?
What colour are the letters of BrainBashers?
What colour are the letters of BrainBashers?
Glass Illusion?
Which line continues the straw?
Which line continues the straw?
Contrast Illusion
Are the blocks the same colour?
Are the blocks the same colour?
Ring Illusion
Is each half of the ring the same colour?
Is each half of the ring the same colour?
Blue Or Yellow?
Blue on yellow, or yellow on blue?
Blue on yellow, or yellow on blue?
Bezold Effect
How many shades of green are there?
How many shades of green are there?
Glowing Center
Does the centre glow?
Does the centre glow?
Eye Direction
In which direction are the eyes looking?
In which direction are the eyes looking?
Colourful Landscape?
Is this a colourful landscape?
Is this a colourful landscape?
Eiffel Tower Afterglow
Can you make the Eiffel Tower glow?
Can you make the Eiffel Tower glow?
Note: BrainBashers has a Dark Mode option – I recommend not using your browser's dark mode or extensions for BrainBashers