Objectives / Rules
- Light up every square in the grid.
- A number in a square tells you how many bulbs surround that square (but not diagonally).
- A square is lit if it's in the same row or column as a bulb, as long as there are no black blocks between them.
- A bulb can't light another bulb.
See the Getting Started section below for extra tips and tricks.

What are the numbers for?
Each number tells us how many Lights surround that square.
Click or move your mouse over the puzzle to see the answer.
Getting Started

Step 2
None of these squares can be Lights as they all surround 0 clues.
None of these squares can be Lights as they all surround 0 clues.

Step 3
These are the only three squares that can satisfy the 3 clue.
These are the only three squares that can satisfy the 3 clue.

Step 4
This is the only square that can light the indicated square.
The puzzle is now well on its way to completion.
Note: 'show dots on lit squares' has been ticked / checked to make lit squares easier to see.
This is the only square that can light the indicated square.
The puzzle is now well on its way to completion.
Note: 'show dots on lit squares' has been ticked / checked to make lit squares easier to see.
Note: BrainBashers has a Dark Mode option – I recommend not using your browser's dark mode or extensions for BrainBashers