Tuif cumzye if n fizpye trsg go sre hbw ensl n EOG13 caet eaceyctrd phzmlr paa oe. Rvrrl btuee yegtrr hns brea poavrrgeq go RBT13 aad tue oghrr lrtgees aee lrfg ns tuel jeee. Oug, ybu mny afk, jhnt if ghr cumzye? Wrly, hbw mnnl joedf nrr vn tuif cumzye!
Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone
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This is a simple substitution cipher.
This puzzle is a simple test to see how easy a ROT13 part encrypted puzzle can be. Every other letter has been converted to ROT13 and the other letters are left as they were. But, you may ask, what is the puzzle? Well, how many words are in this puzzle!
ROT13 replaces each character with the one 13 places away.
A = N, B = O, C = P, D = Q, E = R, F = S, G = T, H = U, I = V, J = W, K = X, L = Y, M = Z, N = A, O = B, P = C, Q = D, R = E, S = F, T = G, U = H, V = I, W = J, X = K, Y = L, Z = M.
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