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Puzzle ZWJD 

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Hidden in these sentences are the numbers 1 to 10 (in words).

A number might appear in more than one sentence, and they might not be in order, but there is only one way to use all of the sentences and find all ten numbers.

The robins love hiding amongst the smooth reeds.
It's always worth looking after your friends, even if they've upset you.
Even heavyweight boxers like using soft tissues when they have a cold.
To avoid the calf, I veered sharply to the left.
The eggs were boxed thirteen instead of a dozen in each baker's delivery box.
Having salmon every day for lunch gets a little boring after a while.
The attendance at the local football match exceeded last week's by many thousands.
We need to waterproof our boots to make sure we don't get wet.
Meeting friends after work allows executives to network effectively.
The orchestra sounded magnificent with the three virtuosi xylophonists.

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

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