At the toy factory, 2 toy makers can make 6 boxes of toys in 3 hours.
By this same reasoning, how many toy makers will it take to make 22 boxes of toys in 5 hours?
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How many boxes of toys can 1 toy maker make in 5 hours?
Five toy makers.
How many boxes of toys can 1 toy maker make in 5 hours?
2 toy makers can make 6 boxes of toys in 3 hours
1 toy maker can make 3 boxes of toys in 3 hours
1 toy maker can make 1 box of toys in 1 hour
1 toy maker can make 5 boxes of toys in 5 hours
So 4 toy makers could only make 20 boxes of toy in 5 hours, and we require the extra toy maker to make the remaining 2 boxes of toys.
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