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Brain Teasers and Puzzles 


Puzzle 121 

A 'complete' word is a word in which every letter, in turn, can be replaced by another to form a new word.

For example, SEND is a complete word because:

   Starting with SEND we can replace the S with an L to make LEND
   Starting with SEND we can replace the E with an A to make SAND
   Starting with SEND we can replace the N with an E to make SEED
   Starting with SEND we can replace the D with a T to make SENT.

Which 2 of the following words are not complete words? Proper nouns (i.e. people's names) are not allowed.

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

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Puzzle 122 

Alex and Blake were rowing their canoe along the River Trent.

In the morning they managed to row upstream at an average speed of 2 miles per hour.

They then stopped for a spot of lunch and a nice rest.

In the afternoon, the pace was a little easier as they were now rowing downstream back to their starting point, and managed an average speed of 4 miles an hour.

The morning trip took them 3 hours longer than the afternoon.

How far did they row upstream?

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

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Puzzle 123 

Starting in the bottom left corner and moving either up or right, adding up the numbers along the way, what is the largest sum which can be made?

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

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Puzzle 124 

What letter comes next in this sequence:

E  O  E  R  E  {?}

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