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Brain Teasers and Puzzles 


Puzzle 389 

My BrainBashers electronic world atlas has developed another fault.

I listed six countries, and how far away each was from England, and here are the results:
Spain     14,000 miles
Fiji      12,000 miles
Germany   18,000 miles
Brazil    16,000 miles
India     16,000 miles
Iceland   --,--- miles

How far away did it list Iceland as?

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

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Puzzle 390 

Trade Convention #2 - Logic Puzzles

Messrs Butcher, Baker, Carpenter and Plumber are currently attending another convention.

No-one is currently, nor ever has been in the same profession as their name and no-one has had the same profession twice.
Alan is now a butcher, whereas Mr Brian Butcher used to be a baker.

The person who is now a carpenter used to be a butcher.

Charles has never been a baker, Mr Darren Carpenter has never been a butcher and Mr Baker is not now a carpenter.

Can you determine their full names, along with their current and previous professions?

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

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Puzzle 391 

Without using any reference material can you find the hidden countries?

In each case, the letter indicates the first letter of the country in question, the number represents the number of letters in the country.

For example, E7 would be England.
B10 E5 F4 F7 J5 L13 N9 S11 T7 Z6

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

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Puzzle 392 

By changing the second letter of each of the words below, can you make another valid word?

You have to change each word such that the second letters will reveal a ten-letter word when read downwards.

Therefore, what now reads CRAIHRUANE will be a real word.

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

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