Using all of the letters A to Z, each once only, complete these common words:
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-e--a = zebra (ZBR)
-ui-ar = guitar (GT)
--ick = quick (QU)
-a- = sad (SD)
bo- = box (X)
-owe- = vowel (VL)
-on-ey = monkey (MK)
-el = eel (E)
ra- = ray (Y)
---kage = package (PAC)
--ll = will (WI)
mo-- = moon (ON)
-eap = heap (H)
-eep = jeep (J)
-un = fun (F)
There are at least 5 more answers, can you find another?
Zebra, guitar, quick, jam, box, vowel, donkey, eel, ray, package, will, moon, heap, seep, fun.
Zebra, guitar, quick, jaw, box, vowel, monkey, eel, ray, package, fill, moon, heap, deep, sun.
Zebra, guitar, quick, lay, box, vowed, monkey, eel, ran, package, will, mojo, heap, seep, fun.
Zebra, guitar, quick, way, box, vowel, monkey, eel, raj, package, sill, moon, heap, deep, fun.
Zebra, guitar, quick, say, box, vowed, monkey, eel, raj, package, hill, moon, leap, weep, fun.
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