Below, 10 nine-letter words have been broken into chunks of three letters.
The chunks have been moved around, no chunk is used twice, and all of the chunks are used.
Can you determine what the 10 words are?
ent sen oom ush ile cro
cla rbr ise lis ssr lig
hai mar htn age ess new
sag clo gar ion ing oth
enc ine col our erw cod
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new + sag + ent = newsagent
cro + cod + ile = crocodile
col + lis + ion = collision
cla + ssr + oom = classroom
enc + our + age = encourage
hai + rbr + ush = hairbrush
oth + erw + ise = otherwise
clo + sen + ess = closeness
lig + htn + ing = lightning
mar + gar + ine = margarine
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