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Brain Teasers and Puzzles 


Puzzle 17 

Which circle, square, and triangle, have the closest area to the blue doughnut shape?

The drawings are to scale, so you might be able to judge by eye, or you can work out the actual areas.

Doughnut (40 minus 20), Circles (31, 35, 39), Squares (31, 35, 39), Triangles (39, 43, 47)

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

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Puzzle 18 

For being well-behaved at the garden fayre, four children were each given two sweets.

Jesse had an orange sweet.
One child who had a red sweet also had a blue one.
No child had two sweets of the same colour.
A child who had a green sweet also had a red one.
Jamie didn't have a red sweet, and Jo had a green one.
Jordan didn't have an orange one, and Jesse had no blue sweets.
Knowing that there were two sweets of each colour, can you tell the colours of the sweets each child had?

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

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Puzzle 19 

Can you scramble each of these 6-letter words, and then split them into two common 3-letter words?

For example: notify = fin toy.
helium latest almond eldest placed radium desert wealth tricky funnel

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

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Puzzle 20 

What letter comes next in this sequence:

M  V  E  M  J  {?}

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